From Success to Significance

I'm looking for someone who is willing to take on a significant kingdom challenge. It's so big, I'm not sure anyone will be able to take it on. But maybe someone who attended the Leadership Summit and felt God's conviction to use their leadership and marketplace skills for God's work in the local church is ready for this. Really, anyone who wants to move from success to significance might be the right person for this. If this might be you, read on.

One of the questions I frequently get around Leadership Summit time is, "What's your plan to mobilize all these people who are going to be ready and willing to use their leadership skills and marketplace experience in the service of God through the church?" (Yes, people who go to the Summit talk like that.) Hybels always puts the challenge out to marketplace leaders at the Summit, reminding them that the church is the hope of the world and that they can make a significant impact for God using their gifts, abilities and marketplace experiences in the church. He often talks about how sad he is that his dad was grossly underutilized by his home church.

So here's where you might come in, if looking for a significant kingdom challenge. Would you be willing to work with me and our staff to develop a process that ensures we don't under utilize the gifts, experiences and passions of our members in serving God's kingdom through the local church? And not just the gifts of successful marketplace leaders but of everyone in our church.

Here's the catch:

  • We don't need advice, we need a leader who will develop and implement a process that makes sense in our ministry culture. We need execution.
  • We need someone who can develop and lead a team to implement and run this ministry. This cannot be a solo endeavor.
  • We can't pay you to do this.
  • We need someone who will be able to devote a significant amount of time to this. It will take several hours per week over a long period of time. I think it will take two to three years to get it up and running before the baton of leadership can be passed on. This person will need to be able to weather the challenges of "the land between." (I'll explain that reference to you later if you were not at this year's Summit.)
  • We need someone with leadership experience and demonstrable gifting to lead. 

If this sounds like something you might want to take on, email me. I'd love to talk to you about it.

What a Great Deal


We're one of only two churches in the Twin Cities that get the very special rate for the Willow Creek Leadership Summit (one third the member church price). It has something to do with the fact that we send more people to the Summit than any other church in the Twin Cities except Eagle Brook, the host. The rate goes up after next Tuesday.

This event has deeply impacted so many of our members. It is the most inspiring and informative conference I go to every year without fail. This is not just for pastors or business leaders; this is truly for everybody. If you've attended, I don't need to convince you. If you've not attended, you are so missing out. Last year we had over 100 Five Oakers there. Don't miss it and don't miss the deal.