First-time Guest Comments

Here are comments from feedback we solicit from first-time guests. I've excluded one this time that was simply too long to include on this site. Normally they all make it this site.

  • I really like the response stations, the way the service is set up and the worship band is really great.
  • Teaching is really well done.
  • I’d like to return a second time!
  • Friendly church, interesting service – good message, great music, love the use of technology.
  • Loved it!
  • I enjoyed my visit at Five Oaks Church and I will be back.
  • Visited to spend more time with my daughters.  Greatly enjoyed the service.
  • Friendly, Helpful people
  • I would be ‘proud’ to be a member of your church.  I felt as if among mature Christians fulfilling God’s plan.

First-time Guest Comments

Here are the latest comments we received on cards sent to first-time guests:


  • Pator Henry, I was invited by.... I’m curious about your ministries.  The pastor was not you – it was a pastor from Eaglebrook where another friend attends.  I will be back to see who you are.  I came on a Sunday.  I filled out forms for ministries at Union Gospel and mentoring.
  • My daughter has asked me to join her many times and I just never found the time.  Since I have been out for a surgery I joined her and it was very rewarding.  Thank you.  It really touched me.
  • I enjoyed it.  Unfortunately it is not “traditional’ enough for my husband.  Thank you for the experience and I hope to visit when I can.