Snippet: Rage Baiting "Works"

Snip·pet | ˈsnipit | noun a small piece or brief extract.

This one is Esau McCaulley on the Esau McCaulley Podcast.

He’s talking about how stoking anger sells and offers an example from a little experiment he tried online. (The following is lightly edited.)

“A couple of months ago I put out this kid's book called Andy Johnson and the March for Justice. And I posted, hey everyone, I have this kid's book… three or four people liked it….

“And then, after the book came out, someone had put a comment that was mean about the book, you know, how can you talk about raising kids and blah, blah, blah, blah.

“…So [as a social experiment], I took the quote that someone had said about my book, and I posted it on my Instagram page. …It got like a thousand likes…and people started sharing it. And then they said, we're going to buy your book. And then the book starts going up the Amazon charts.

“And now my social media experiment has become an ethical experiment because it actually worked. I'm actually selling these books. But I took it down…because I didn't want to sell my stuff that way.”

It became an ethical experiment because it was getting his book into more hands. A good thing, right?

There’s a fine line here. Given the number of messages bombarding us, defining the stakes in a way that gets someone’s attention is about the only way to get read/heard and get action. The clearest way to define the stakes is to show contrast.

I think the difference is when we define the stakes in a way that repels those we should be trying to compel and persuade. It doesn’t even try to build a bridge. Also, while it speaks to the tribe, and they love it, it does so in a way that feeds disdain and anger toward people they disagree with.

I’m not saying we need to engage trolls. I’m talking about those who might lean in the troll’s ideological direction but still be open to dialogue.

I recently heard an interview with a Christian author who wrote a book with what I feel is a horrendous title. It whips up his tribe but makes everyone else a bit crazy.

A friendly interviewer gently challenged him on the title, saying its assertion isn’t always true.

The author explained that he used the title to get people’s attention.

And it’s “working.”

We need to pay serious attention to our information hygiene, exercise discernment, and help each other discern. We also need to tone down our rhetoric and take the longer, more difficult road in communication and being heard.

Photo by David Knox on Unsplash

Sermon Recap: “How to Overcome Our Differences in the Church” (Phil. 3:20)

The immediate connection we have with other believers, despite great differences, it a beautiful thing. But maintaining and deepening those connections and love for one another, in spite of differences, is much harder. Among the many ways Paul addresses how to overcome our differences is this one: together, we are citizens of heaven.

This reality unites us when we…

Understand what heavenly citizenship means (Philippians 3:20)

“But our citizenship is in heaven” (Philippians 3:20). This isn’t just a future reality but a present identity. Being a citizen of heaven means living under God’s reign now. We live with the hope that heaven will one day fully come to earth in the new creation, but even now, we are called to reflect God’s kingdom and live under his rule.

Citizenship in heaven transcends earthly identities. It calls us to look beyond temporary, worldly divisions and align our lives with God’s eternal kingdom.

Being citizens of heaven also unites us when we…

Prioritize God’s Kingdom Over All Others (Ephesians 2:19)

“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people” (Ephesians 2:19). In Ephesians 2, Paul emphasized that in Christ, Jew and Gentile—two vastly different groups—were united. The blood of Christ destroyed the dividing wall of hostility and created a new humanity.

In the same way, our differences—whether political, cultural, or social—are secondary to our shared citizenship in God’s kingdom. Overcoming differences starts with prioritizing that identity above all others.

But this is hard. At a fundamental level, we all tend to believe our culture, group, or subculture is better than others. We elevate ourselves by defining others as “less than.” Yet the gospel levels the playing field.

As Tim Keller wrote, “The gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time, we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.”

We also deepen our connection, in spite of differences, when we…

Live by God’s Kingdom Values

God has “rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves” (Colossians 1:13). As citizens of God’s kingdom, we are called to live differently. This means rejecting self-indulgent, temporal values (Philippians 3:19) and embracing God’s ways—values marked by humility, love, and justice.

Peter reminds us: “You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession” (1 Peter 2:9). Our lives should reflect this holy calling.

Lastly, we deepen our connection to each other when we…

Invite Others into God’s Kingdom of Light.

God’s people are called to declare his praises and invite others into his light (1 Peter 2:9). Evangelism is more than a task—it’s a shared mission that unites us. Few things bind a church together more than the shared purpose of helping others discover the hope and freedom found in Christ.

Photo by Fabian Fauth on Unsplash